Sunday, January 29, 2012

454 James Bay Cafe

This is a painting Of James Bay Coffee and Books. One of my favourite haunts.

I'm having an ART SHOW there all the month of February. I just helped install 37 of my paintings.

Friday, January 27, 2012

453 Sarge

This is Sarge. He's a Clydesdale who works as a Carriage horse in James Bay. He's a real darling. Loves to be patted and told how wonderful he is. Next to the carrots and apples it's the best part of his job.
 I did a smaller version of him. This larger one is for a show at James Bay Coffee and Books all of February. I wonder if it'll be dry enough by Sunday to hang. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

450 Scrabble

Every Tuesday is Scrabble Night at a local Coffee Shop. This is a study I did on site. It looks like a serious game of Scrabble.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Saturday, January 14, 2012

447 Blue Bridge, Knife Painting

It was a rainy, snowy, sunny day here in Victoria. Typical for this time of year I guess. Well this is the Blue Bridge from Fisherman's ward, a knife painting. The actual painting is less blue. I just couldn't adjust it right.

Friday, January 13, 2012

446 Fisgard Lighthouse Knfe Painting

Today I went out to Fort Rodd Historical Park. It was a beautiful day. Sunny but with clouds blowing around. I think it's the clouds evaporating in the morning sun. Last year I painted the light house from a slightly different vantage point but the sky was overcast. I was dying to return, hoping for a dynamic sky, which is what I got.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

445 Holland Point Sky

Another Holland Point morning. Knife painting again. I think the clouds were evaporating. There was a lot of neutral tray in the sky. I think I could made the foreground darker though. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

444 Holland Point (Knife Painting)

It was a sunny morning and everyone was out walking. This is Holland Point right where Menzies Street runs into Dallas Road. The sky was so dynamic. It's like looking out from the centre of a giant marble but the swirls keep changing. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

443 Dallas Road Scene,knife painting

Yesterday's knife painting was so popular that I did another today. This is this morning at Holland Point. There are many beautiful places to paint but Holland point is within easy walking distance for me to wheel my cart with painting stuff. Someone is always sitting at that bench. But the sky is always different. (I mean by the minute)

I'm pleased with the results. Another slow dryer though.

Monday, January 9, 2012

442 Esquimalt Lagooon, Knife Painting

sold (Vancouver)
This is a knife painting I did at the Esquimalt Lagoon this winter. I really like the wonderful textures you get with a knife painting. Takes for ever to dry though.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

441 Monkey Loves China Doll

I bought this china doll from a consignment store recently. She is part of a pair of salt and pepper shakers. This is her second time modelling for me.This is her sophisticated look. Poor lovesick monkey. 

440 Red Kiss

Another remnant of the holiday season.

Friday, January 6, 2012

439 Lemon Twist

What do you think of the patterned fabric surrounding the jar? Is it too busy? I think it looks like the lemons are dancing the twist.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

438 The Trick

What do you do when you have a lemon a mug and a cherry? There's another lemon inside the mug, but it doesn't show. I used a bandana as the backdrop. I find the pattern makes the painting more dynamic and the cherry stem looks like it's trying to balance and adds more movement to the painting. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

437 A Kiss

It looked to me like the cherries were holding hands and kissing.
I really like the background with the pink ground showing. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

436 How We Met

So this is the third jar in as many days. Each time I think the rendering of the jar has improved. I wondered about the stems...if I ought to have made them tilted towards each other like footsies.
Well, that's another scenario yet to be painted.

Monday, January 2, 2012

435 White Carnation

Painting White is always a special challenge for my eyes. I think it's about temperature. I painted this last night and redid the blossom part today as it didn't read quite right. I think it reads well now. Perhaps more as a monochromatic painting as I used a blue grey cloth for the background.

This is the second of a series of three paintings entitled,  "How We Met".

 You'll see tomorrow:)

PS. I'm using "Improved Gem, made in Canada" type of preserving jar for the painting. Hense the lettering on the jar.

If you want to buy this painting or just take a closer look click here.

Sunday, January 1, 2012