Sunday, February 26, 2012

462 Best Friends

These two characters are the newest characters in my studio. They quickly became best friends:)

I was experimenting with the orange blue complimentary combination. Tough I wonder if the background colour isn't too saturated.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

461 This Little Piggy

This little Delft piggy has been in a local thrift store for weeks. Finally I decided to give it a home. I'm glad I did. Isn't it cute.

The apple? Someone from the Sketch Club left it behind yesterday and, superstition got the best of me. I thought "It's a sign; I must be meant to paint it".  Hmmmn.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

460 "Jump"

I had a hard time deciding on a title for this little painting. "Don't", or "Do It" or "Step Off", were other possibilities.

I really enjoy painting lemons and glass. The glass, because it forces me to really try to see what I see and not what I think I see. The lemons because they are so lemony. 

Monday, February 20, 2012

459 Breakfast

I did this painting at Carol Marine's workshop on Whidbey Island.
It was the best workshop I've ever taken. It was great to watch Carol paint in real life. She's a master oil painter.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

458 Yum

I've wanted to paint this for a while but didn't feel it would read right. But I'm pleased with the results. This is a carriage horse that works in my neighbourhood. They get a lot of apples and carrots from admirers. I just pet them and have long conversations with them (mostly about how beautiful they are). They soak it up....who wouldn't?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

457 Orange Pepper

The insides of produce are interesting and have a nice symmetry suggestive of the human anatomy.  

Sunday, February 5, 2012

456 Yellow Pepper

Pardon the glare. Assorted bell peppers were on sale by the bag at the local grocers. I'm quite pleased with this pepper considering the simplicity of the painting. Maybe I'll try painting it again standing up. (I mean the pepper)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

1543 Untitled
