Wednesday, January 29, 2020

1173 St-Viateur Autumn Day, egg tempera

I love this scene, and I really enjoy painting with egg tempera. Egg tempera is a very time and labor intensive method. But I really love the results. It must be seen in person to appreciate the enamel-like surface. 

Monday, January 20, 2020

1172 Lorne Crescent, 8x10, egg tempera, work in progress

I always liked this pretty view. Here's my India ink underpainting. Or Grisaille. Doing an grisaille underpainting helps getting things started.
It sets the value which is most important. Then, it's a matter of glazes, tweaking, scumbling, and polishing. Did I mention that with egg tempera you can get a nice sheen and temper the surface by hand polishing with a soft cloth. Plus, no risk of lint or hairs getting trapped like a (fly in amber) for all eternity. (Often happens when you varnish)

Saturday, January 11, 2020

1168 Avenue Duluth Ouest, Work in Progress

Here's the India Ink underpainting for my current piece.
The values are lighter than the end result will be because each glaze layer will darken the value.  Any areas that become too dark can be lightened by scumbling a lighter tone over the area. It's all about making adjustments until I am satisfied. 99% of a painting is getting the values right. The rest is emotion, draftsmanship, and surface quality.

Monday, January 6, 2020

1165 Heading Home, 8x10, egg tempera

This painting has many many glazes. The snow might have 50 layers and a dozen at least for the red bricks. I'm really pleased with the results. 

Thursday, January 2, 2020

1163 The Ritz, Montreal New Year Day, 8x10, egg tempera

sold Toronto
New Years morning on Sherbrooke in front of the Ritz. On baltic birch sealed and gessoed by me. I ground my own pigments in organic free range egg yolks (only happy hens eggs for my work). Dozens of layers of egg tempera over india ink underpainting.  One of my favourites.