Thursday, May 30, 2013

650 Van Gogh Irises

I painted these in the rain today in the front lawn of the Empress. I was so inspired. They painted themselves.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

646 First Performance

Here's the same painting with a different background. Actually this is the original background. I wanted something more illuminated but nothing worked as well as the dark curtains. 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

644 Afternoon Tea at the Empress

I'm pleased with the results. Adding the harbour scene beyond the windows gave this painting more interest and depth. And bringing the fabric pattern to the left side of the painting helped to unify the composition and define the figures on the left. I like it and I can hardly wait for it to dry to varnish it. Sorry about the glare.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Afternoon Tea in progress

This work is still in progress. I'm beginning to glaze colour over the value painting. And I've added the pattern to the sofa and chair. This really adds something to the feeling or the painting.  Eye candy.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Flowers For Me

sold - China
Below is the underpainting for Blue Bridge.I think I will glaze colour over  it tomorrow. I can hardly wait! I'm really enjoying working on this painting.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Blue Bridge Under Painting In Progress

I've been working on larger paintings lately. Here are three in progress. I'm most excited about the Blue Bridge painting. I love the crowded busy feeling of this scene. I still have some work to do on this under painting before glazing colour onto it but I feel really good about it. 
I'm a little bored with the Fan Tan Alley paintings. I think I'll put them aside till I feel excited about them again.

 Blue Bridge Under Painting in progress

Fan Tan Alley in Progress

Fan Tan Alley in progress

1543 Untitled
