Sunday, November 28, 2010

Henry the Heron 6x6 acrylic on cradled panel

This is Henry the Heron, year round resident of Beacon Hill Park. He came right up to me and posed. I caught his expression. I'm told that he's been a resident of Beacon Hill Park since he fell from his nest 15 years ago and people from a nearby apartment rescued him.

Xmas Parade

Last night's scene from the corner of Government Street and Humbolt. Nice, eh.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Mt Doug 16X20 acrylic on canvas

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It was cold and snowy today and I didn't even poke my head outdoors.  I did this based on a small sketch from an alfresco paint out the other day at mount doug. That morning was rainy and there was a pinkness to everything.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Gonzales Park View, 8x10 acrylic

This morning's effort at the Gonzales Park Observatory. It was cold and gray but the stoic Alfrescoes were there painting away.
I was at the Emily Carr exhibit yesterday. Can you see the influence?

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Mt Doug

Here's the pleinair I did yesterday with the Alfrescoes. It's 16X20, acrylic. I felt influenced by Emily Carr and I wanted to do one in her style. But the plein air fell short of that so I used the sketch to create one after her style today in my studio.

I like it. I can sure see Emily's art in the landscape.
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Mums, acrylic 8x10

I revisited these mums today. I felt there was too much purple so I changed the background color to yellow and then to this yellow blue. Hmmn

November Garden, 6x6, acrylic on cradled panel

Made a few changes. Improvement?

November Garden, 6x6, acrylic on cradled panel

I stood in the misty rain painting this at James Bay Community Garden this morning. This is from a small raised bed that has a little sign in it not to pick (Meaning the flowers, I guess. The sign is cute though).
I used a variety of artist acrylic paint including Golden Open...I wouldn't have used this brand on a rainy day but I wanted magenta and it was what I had.
Sometimes I love a rainy day. I have this luxury because I have a warm dry place to go when my painting is done.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ogden Point November Morning, 8x10, acrylic on canvas

A damp beach day. Remembrance Day today. I could hear the ceremony guns firing while I painted. I think it somehow flavored the painting.
The sun is trying to break through the clouds.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Victoria November, 8x10 acrylic on canvas

This morning's effort looking towards Fonyo Beach from Holland Point. It was cloudy but can you feel the sun trying to break through.
As I type this the sky is clear and the sun shining.
If you don't like the weather just wait a few minutes eh.

I used a limited pallet on this: Cad red mid, Ultramarine, and cad yellow light, plus titanium white.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Mums, acrylic 8x10

This is this afternoons efforts with the sketch club. I love flowers!

Poppies in a Jar, 8x10 acrylic on canvas

It was so windy today that I was easily tempted by Peggy's offer of three oriental poppies from the community garden. I still want to add a few touches to this painting. I want to add the dark purple centre of the closest poppy and add some lighter and darker shadows in the blue background.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Mt Doug 8x10 acrylic

Yeah, I did say I wouldn't touch my paintings after I got them home but this one had drips from the rain. So I made a few changes. I blued the distant background and added some warms to the foreground.

Mt Doug Park, 8x10, acrylic on canvas

This is my effort this morning with the AlFrescoes at Mt Doug Park. It was gently raining and there was a lot of atmosphere. It was fun.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Holland Point November

Holland Point facing the Olympics. That's Port Angeles across the water. I wonder if someone's painting Holland Point from there.