Wednesday, October 31, 2012

549 Rue St Viateur

I was really pleased with the results of this painting. I really had to force myself to keep it this loose. I like the way the sky opening mimics the bottom street and the way the reflection mimics the man in black. The design makes this an exciting work. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

548 Wind Power PEI Scene

This scene is from Prince Edward Island. Where I spent some time in my cottage at Bothwell. Rose hips, wind and abandoned farms.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

547 Goldstream Park, Forest Scene

Inspired by yesterday's paint out in Goldstream. Tom Thompson's spirit was in those woods. It was cold and raining but I was so inspired I stayed all day. Came home soaking wet but kept painting. Today it is pouring and cold. Colours are singing brightly against the cool tray sky.  I LOVE autumn!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

546 Blue Bridge

Here it is again. I used the last painting as my reference. I just love the older architecture around  Victoria.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

545 Blue Bridge

I did this Blue Bridge Painting as a workshop demo recently. I really like the Blue Bridge also known as the Johnson Street Bridge. It just LOOMS in the landscape. It's like a mountain backdrop.  Victoria is soon to lose "Old Blue".  The city has already ordered it's replacement from a catalogue.
I've painted the Blue Bridge a number of times. They sell quickly. Obviously I'm not the only one who admires this bridge. Do they call a bridge a "her"?

I think the rule is that if it's built by a man it's a her and if it's built by a woman it's a him.
This painting is for sale for $300 plus s/h. To buy with paypal click here.

Monday, October 22, 2012

544 Dallas Road Scene October

I did this plein air painting from that walkway between Holland Point and Fonyo Beach. The red berries are rose hips and the white ones are snow berries. It was rather windy and this was the least windy of the spots. I meet so many interesting people on my plein air paint outs. Some times people stay and chat with me through the whole painting. I love my job.

This painting is for sale for $49 with PayPal buy

Saturday, October 20, 2012

543 Precious Cargo


I love painting dads and their kids. It just warms my heart to see these big guys being so gentle and tender with their little ones. This is  a Holland Point scene. 

Monday, October 8, 2012

541 Holland Point Thanksgiving

This is a plein air study I did yesterday at Holland Point. I thought they looked like three siblings out enjoying the lovely Thanskgiving sunshine while the turkey was cooking. As soon as they noticed they were being painted they left (Shy?). But I think I had just enough time to capture their gestures. Nobody escapes my brush!
I set up my video camera to tape this painting in progress but when I was done I realized the camera had turned itself off. This is due to a battery saving setting, which I learned how to disable before. It's been a couple of weeks since I learned how to use this camcorder and now I've forgotten everything.
Sigh, these days I seem to "Unlearn" things as soon as I stop doing them.

This painting is on auction. To see the auction or just to get a close up view click here

Saturday, October 6, 2012

539 Harvest

I did this plein air painting yesterday at Michell's farm. They are harvesting halloween pumpkins. I'm told that farmer Michell doesn't make any profit on the pumpkins but grows them every year just to watch the children's faces as they select their  pumpkin.

Most people don't eat halloween pumpkins. I'm one of the exceptions. I still have frozen pumpkin in my freezer from last year. I add it to soups, curries,pancakes and puddings. I have happy childhood memories of watching my wonderful grandmother (cook extraordinaire) make pies from our jack-o-lanturns  after halloween. Every time I use my pumpkin these wonderful memories come back to me.

Friday, October 5, 2012

538 Wind and Waves

$49 Buy
This is a scene from Clover Point Victoria the other day. It was such a windy day that people bundled up to experience the power of the sea. The seagulls seem to enjoy riding the wind. Nature is so amazing. Some people were even leaning into the wind and it was actually holding them up.
Of the elemental challenges wind is my least favourite to paint in. It's like trying to paint while someone keeps shoving you and your easel.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

537 Atlantic Holiday

Here's one I did from a photo a friend sent me of his family holiday in Miami. I loved the saturated colours of the beach umbrellas against the pale sea. This painting is on auction. To see the auction or just to take a closer look click here

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

536 Cool Caps

This was a fun one to paint. Is it about the hats or what the hat kids are doing? Anyway they are a cool looking trio. I was attracted to the hats the way some women are to diamonds.  Except I want to paint them not collect them.
You can tell the weather is getting cooler.  Hats, jackets, and shoes on the beach now.
The texture on this painting is great. Thick and buttery.  

Monday, October 1, 2012

535 Beachcombers

Kids just love to build things.  This is a Holland Point Scene. Holland Point is great for little beach combers as the tide brings in new stuff every day.
$49 plus s/h. Buy