Saturday, December 31, 2011

433 The Remains of the Season

I just love Allsorts! They remind me of the Holiday season. And they're so tasty. My biggest challenge with this painting was saving one of each Allsorts to paint. Yum.

432 Tea and Cherries

I struggled with the underdrawing. (This will improve with practice:)) It's curves and straight lines that I find the most difficult. So basically the drawing. Sigh.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

431 May I cut In?

I had a hard time with the pthalo blue. It's a beautiful colour. But it just gets everywhere.
How about the title. It looked to me like either the mug and apple were fighting or kissing....hmmmn Or Dancing?

What do you think?


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

430 Bluebird Dance

These little cups are my favourite. They are small and heavy and perfect for china tea. Also very paintable.

What do you think of the orange fabric for the background? Is it too high chroma? Would it be better as a pastel? Would a different colour be a better compliment?

I'm trying to figure out the Munsell colour wheel. 

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Monday, December 26, 2011

427 Eggshells in a Que

I've been collecting pretty things for still life painting, but these brown eggshells inspired me more than anything else.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Friday, December 23, 2011

425 Fisherman's Warf Dingys

It was drizzling rain this morning and I was frozen stiff by the time I finished this little painting. But It was worth it. What a fun day! A seal and two seagulls came for a visit as well as some humans:)
The arrangement of the boats made for an interesting design.
I think they would make a nice 8x8 painting too with the area above the boats cropped off.

Burr....I'm chilled to the bone :)

If you want to buy this painting, or just want to take a closer look, click here.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

424 Dallas Road Beach Scene

I painted this today from the bank behind that hut near the dog run area on Dallas Road. Well, anyone who runs their dog there will know what I mean.

It was the most glorious December 22nd! Amazing! Warm in the sun and no wind on the spot where I was painting.

The sea kept changing colours. Sometimes it was green blue, and sometimes it was purple. The cliffs were aglow with creamy peaches and oranges.

Every critter in the vicinity came to say hello.

I feel like the luckiest person on earth!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

423 Dallas Road Scene

This is the beach at Mile 0, where you have to walk down all those stairs. It's December 21st today and the days are starting to get longer. Daylight!

This painting is for sale. If you want to buy this painting, or just want to get a closer look, click here.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

422 Esquimalt Lagoon

sold (Vancouver)
 When I first arrived at the Esquimalt Lagoon to paint it was overcast with just a bright spot in the sky to indicate the sun. So I set up by the lagoon where swans and ducks came to visit. Just as I was set to paint the wind picked up so much that I had to move across the road to the beach. There was no wind on this side and the sky was so dynamic.

Monday, December 19, 2011

421 Holland Point December

It's almost Christmas and it was quite warm (28 degrees) for plein air  painting. The sky was just amazing dark purple with yellow light coming through.

This painting is for sale. If you want to buy it, or just take a closer look, click here.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

420 Panama Flats Park

bid here
This is today's painting at Panama Flats Park. It's such a beautiful time of year here in Victoria.

If you want to buy this painting or just take a closer look, click here.

Friday, December 16, 2011

419 The Pond

This is today's painting from the Cedar Hill Golf Course pond. If you look closely you'll see ducks. There were dozens of very friendly ducks all around me while I painted. 

Thursday, December 15, 2011

418 Pandora

This is Pandora Street. It's in the heart of Down Town Victoria. I've wanted to paint this street for a few years. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

417 Charlottetown

This is the Charlottetown painting I started almost 5 years ago. I decided to straighten out the steeples. I like the winter light hitting them so crisply.

Lately I've been working on several studio paintings for upcoming shows. This has left me with little attention to give to my daily paintings. There are several shows coming up in  Feb March and April that I want to participate in.

Tonight is the Show Opening at the Well on Fort. The reception is 7 to 9. Hope you can make it.

Friday, December 9, 2011

416 Forest Scene

This is today's al fresco painting, done at Mt Doug Park. It was chilly but so beautiful with the orange foliage and bright green moss on the trees.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

415 Ballet Under painting 2, 36x36, figurative

I worked today on making some corrections in the under painting. After working on it for a while I felt I needed to set the painting aside as I was over working it and it was losing some of it's freshness. Today I worked on the proportions of the figures and suggesting the features without over defining. I really want to get the values right so the painting reads well.
I also like the feet. Those soft ballet shoes make the feet look flat. This is especially so for children's feet.
Colour to come soon.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

414 Ballet Underpainting, 36x36

I'm working on a large figure painting. This is a value plan I did so far. I chose the square format to emphasize that the ballerinas are huddled together. Even this is very rough and I'll work on correcting some of the values before I go in with colour. the light source is from the right and I notice I need to make the floor lighter towards the light source.

Monday, December 5, 2011

413 Charlottetown, acrylic on canvas, 24x30

This is a painting I started 4 years ago. I was in Charlottetown on NewYear's morning. It had snowed heavily for days and there was no walking on the sidewalk.  The woman in the street smiled and told me she was on her way to the Basilica for New Year's mass.

I struggled with the blues. The snow shadows were pthalo and the sky was the problem. It was a winter sky. Pthalo just wasn't right. Finally today I tried cobalt blue with a touch of yellow. I like the sky now. But the steeples are crooked and the electric wires are too thick. (in reality there were twice as many electric wires).

Sunday, December 4, 2011

412 Ogden Point

I just got in from painting this. The days are so short in December but out I went with just enough time to do a quick study before the sun set. I love all the colourful kelp against the neutrals. This is Ogden Point. A favourite beach of the night partiers. Just as I was leaving the partiers were arriving.

If you want to buy this painting or just take a closer look click here

Saturday, December 3, 2011

411 Dallas Road Scene

It was a glorious day and everyone and their dog was out walking on Dallas Road. This spot in particular is one of my favourites. It's just overlooking Fonyo Beach.

If you want to buy this painting, or just take a closer look at it click here

Friday, December 2, 2011

410 Fisherman's Warf

Here's a little pleinair I did this morning at Fisherman's Warf.

If you want to buy this painting or just take a closer look click here