Monday, December 5, 2011

413 Charlottetown, acrylic on canvas, 24x30

This is a painting I started 4 years ago. I was in Charlottetown on NewYear's morning. It had snowed heavily for days and there was no walking on the sidewalk.  The woman in the street smiled and told me she was on her way to the Basilica for New Year's mass.

I struggled with the blues. The snow shadows were pthalo and the sky was the problem. It was a winter sky. Pthalo just wasn't right. Finally today I tried cobalt blue with a touch of yellow. I like the sky now. But the steeples are crooked and the electric wires are too thick. (in reality there were twice as many electric wires).


  1. I love the crooked steeple - actually, I didn't notice till you pointed it out.

    If you want photorealism, get a camera, right??

    Loving your painting-a-day blog - gets me inspired!!!

  2. Isnt that down on waterstreet or very close to...?


1543 Untitled
