Sunday, December 29, 2019

Flowers in a Bluebird Vase, 6x6, oil on panel

This darling gem was misplaced for a few years. Just came across it today and thought I'd share it here. The paint is very impasto and the colours brilliant. I cant find that adorable vase anywhere either. This studio is so cluttered!
Should I put it on eBay? 

Sunday, December 22, 2019

1160 Outremont Park, 24x36, oil

Once again sorry about the poor quality photo. It snowed all day and I photographed the painting on the back porch. As soon as I get a good day I'll retake the photographs. I normally photograph my paintings out on the back deck against the north wall.

Any way, here is the painting. I'm moving on for now.....sigh.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Outremont Park, (Work in progress),24x36, oil

Sorry about the poor quality photo but I did this out on my back porch as it is pouring rain today.
So I've glazed and scumbled and defined. Still more work to go before I can sign it. I might set it aside for now as I'm dying to start a new painting.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Outremont Parc (Making Progress), 24x36, oil

Still working on Outremont Park. It's beginning to feel like a great date that's been going on too long.  Still....gotta soldier on.
I still want to glaze some more. Maybe a transparent red oxide glaze over the black coats of the ladies on the left. And maybe transparent yellow oxide over the dark red house on the left. And scumbling cad red lite and orange over some of the red buildings.  The taupe stucco on the middle building should be glazed and scumbled with blue greys and orange. And white scumbling over the edge areas on the pavilion to give it a stucco feel. And the trees could be worked on to give them volume. And the windows and building features and small branches could be detailed better. And that kid in the pink snow suit has to be toned down and darkened a bit. And the faces need a bit of work.  And I thought I was nearly finished.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Outremont Park (work in progress), oil 24x36

Here's a piece I've been working on all week. (Sorry about the reflections but I couldn't bring myself to go outdoors today to photograph it. Brrr) Six years ago I had painted an 8x10 of this scene and said I planned to do a larger painting of the same scene. So here it is finally.  I've done a number of Outremont Parc paintings but all in small format. I love the blue shadows in the snow and cool winter sky cradling the charming brick houses.
Okay, so I want to put in the details of the houses, add some trees to cover up the extra branches I took out of the sky. And some tree shadows on the wall of the pavilion on the right. Then the best parts of all I'll glaze and glaze and glaze to give a sense of depth to the shadows in the snow. Then finally I'll scumble that pavilion and some snow with a very dry brush.
Well, that's my plan so far. 

Saturday, December 14, 2019

1155 Winter Shadows, 24x36, oil

Well, I've finally finished working on this piece. There are a lot of lovely transparent glazes in this painting. I think it would make a nice Christmas card.

1543 Untitled
