Friday, September 30, 2011

Pumpkin Patch, oil on canvas board, 6x6

I went out with the Alfrescoes this morning to Michell's Farm. The field's were popping with orange pumpkins and purple cabbages. Last year's paint out I painted the cabbage fields so this year I did the pumpkins.

Here's a photo of the pumpkin patch. I did paint in the cars at first, but took them out because I found it drew the eye away from the pumpkins. Should I have left them in? What do you think?

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Little Guards, oil on canvas board, 6x6

click to bid
Here's two more of those cute little felt animals. Their ears really do stick up like that. I think they look like they're defending their territory from the acorn.

If you would like to buy this painting or just see it close-up, click here

These are the little felt dogs I used. The acorn is really a small one, so you don't really get the scale of the dogs from the photo.

Here's the sketch I did on a yellow ground. (I decided to shorten the blue dog's tail as the shorter tail made him seem more alert. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

First Autumn, oil on canvas board, 6x6

click to bid
 Yesterday I found a bag of little felt animals in a local consignment store. I didn't think twice. These guys are so cute. Here's little Pinky's first autumn.

If you would like to buy this painting, or just see it close-up click here

Here's the real model.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Empress Nocturne, acrylic, 16x20

I painted this this morning. It was foggy and looked like rain so I painted instead of going to the causeway. Now I've done my painting the sun has come out. I'm heading out to the causeway now with this painting. Wonder if someone will buy it today.

Friday, September 23, 2011

The Red Car, 6x6 oil on canvas board


I did this today at a farm in Saanich. I don't normally like to paint cars as the drawing is painful for me. sigh. But I decided to step out of my comfort zone. Okay, maybe it looks a little naive but I quite like it.
I changed the back ground colour after I got home. Initially it was purple on the left side of the car (There was gravel on that side.
Should I change it back to purple?
Feedback desired.
note: sorry about the quality of the above picture. I think I took the bottom photo with my iPhone and the above with my camera. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Whale Watching, oil on canvas board, 6x6

Plein air is my favorite type of painting and I just had to get out this evening to do one. This is a Dallas Road Scene (Near Holland Point). Whales had come into the bay and everyone was watching for them. I didn't see any whales but the sky was so dynamic.
Victoria Skies are amazing!
 If you would like to buy this painting, or just see it close-up, click here

A King's Breakfast, 6x6 oil on canvas board

I was going to have these for breakfast but by the time I finished painting I had them for lunch. It was a lot of fun painting them and satisfying (in more ways than one).
I really had to use patience. I used a view finder to try to get the bowl in the right proportions. Maybe over worked it a little but overall I'm pleased.

If you would like to buy this painting, or just view it close-up, click here

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Salt and Pepper Couple, 6x8, oil on canvas

Here's more exercises I did with the salt and pepper shakers I got from the consignment store. They make a painting with a narrative. Can't help it. They are not just objects but characters. I wonder what they're saying. Hmmmn

Salt, oil on canvas board, 6x6

salt shaker
This is a painting I did of a little salt shaker I picked up in "Second Chance" consignment store in James Bay. He is part of a set.

Egg in a Bowl, oil on canvas board, 6x6

I decided to paint another egg today. It's fun to paint eggs. Okay, the bowl is a bit wonky, but I like the egg. I might do another tomorrow.
I tried to do this as a limited stroke challenge. I counted how many strokes I would use (thirty-six) and tripled it. Well sort of (one-hundred). But I lost track after around fifty. Sigh.
I like the limited stroke exercises. And I think these exercises will help me improve my painting as much as any workshop. I have such a limited concentration span. I find I can only concentrate for about ten minutes then my mind wanders for ten and then back. Sigh.
Though when I paint I find I can focus for hours. Even get more and more focused. When I paint in the evening I find I can't sleep I get so stimulated.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Breakfast, 6x6 oil on canvas board


Today is my birthday. Last night before turning in I left myself a note. (I get distracted so easily and I really wanted to try painting an egg today. Last night it seemed like a terrific idea since I came from an egg. and it is my birthday. And I'm an artist. Hmmmn) It said "Paint an egg in a saucer". So here's my egg in a saucer, alla prima. I tried to use a limited number of strokes and count them in advance. I predicted the painting would take 36 strokes. But it took a whopping 86!
Then I ate it.
This painting is for sale on an auction at a starting bid of $49. click to see the auction

Monday, September 19, 2011

More California Poppies, 6x6 oil on canvas board

I went down to the waterfront intending to paint the wild sweet peas but couldn't resist these poppies. It was a sunny day and they were open against the blue rock wall. It was such a lovely day. Even the poppies seemed happy.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

California Poppies, oil on canvas panel, 6x6in

This is a Daily Paintworks Challenge. I went out to the seawall and painted this little plein air in one hour using only ultramarine blue, cad yellow, and cad red. plus white (only with the blue and purple). It was a lot of fun to paint and I like the results.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Monday, September 12, 2011

Seawalk, Dallas Road Scene, oil on canvas board, 6x6

Boy it was quite windy today. The birds were having a great time riding the wind. They just get up there and hover. This was a nice subject, not out of the wind but tolerable. I like the sun washed wall. Lately I've been inspired by pathways and sun washed walls.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Dallas Road Scene, September. Oil on canvas panel, 6x6in

Yesterday I spotted this scene and knew I had to paint it soon or the golden grasses would become brown. It was a scorcher again today. I got an early start and beat the heat somewhat. Last month I thought summer was the best time to paint but now I think autumn is the best season.
This little gem is available on an auction with a starting bid of $49.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Dallas Road Scene 3, oil on canvas, 6x6in

click to bid
I painted this little gem today in one of the few shady spots I could find and still paint something that inspired me. I like the S-curve. What a scorcher of a day! 

Looking Up, Dallas Road Scene, Oil on board, 6x6in

click to bid
This is the second of two paintings I did today. I painted this as the sun was beginning to set. Boy were the shadows changing quickly. What appealed to me most about this scene were the shadows on that wall. This is the same path as in the Dallas Road Scene and Coyote Path only from the bottom.

This little gem is on auction at a starting bid of $49

Friday, September 9, 2011

Brown Eyed Susans, oil on board, 6x6

There was just too much to choose from today at Glendale Gardens. Plus it was a scorching day. I finally found a bit of shade in front of a pot of these brown eyed susans.  The photo doesn't do the painting justice. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Dallas Road Scene 2, oil on panel, 6x6

I painted the same pathway on Dallas Road as the other day. I am inspired by this scene. Drawn to it. Maybe I'll paint the same path but from the bottom next time.
One of the things I enjoy most about plein air painting is all the personalities that come by for a visit.
It was such a fine day that those people on the beach took off their shirts and went for a dip.

This little gem is on an internet auction at a starting bid of $49 plus shipping and handling. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Fonyo Beach Scene, oil on panel, 6x6

It was another glorious sunny September day in Victoria. This is a painting of Fonyo Beach. I love painting the S-curves. They take the eye gently and smoothly through the painting.
At the top of this hill where I stood to paint this little gem there is a fork in the road. I always stand there and look down. There is a clear view of the beach below. People are always there. Resting, gathering, talking.  It is a natural gathering place. I imagine people have gathered there for thousands of years.  There is always nice dry sun washed driftwood to lean against. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Dallas Road Scene, 6x6 oil on panel

Coyote's Path (SOLD)
It was another glorious September day here in Victoria. I had been wanting to paint this view for a long time. I like the way the sun strikes the concrete wall with the wild sweet peas spilling over it. I am pleased with it over all.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Victoria Beach Scene, oil 6x6

It was a very windy but sunny Labor Day here in Victoria. Every one was out today enjoying the long weekend in spite of the wind.
This scene is facing towards Fonyo beach.

This little gem is on an auction at a starting bid of $49.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Empress, September, acrylic, 16x20

I've been working on this painting for this Sunday's paint out at the Empress. I just love the Empress!

Towards Ogden Point, 6x6 oil on canvas board

I did this little gem with the Alfrescoes this morning. When we arrived at Holland Point we were greeted by a thick fog. But it didn't last long. That's Ogden Point with the little light house.