Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Rhododendrons, acrylic on canvas, 16x20

I painted at the Kinsmen Gorge Park  with the Victoria Sketch Club. I really felt inspired by these gorgeous flowers. I didn't think they were all that well rendered but I got a lot of positive feedback from passers by. 

Monday, May 30, 2011

Afternoon Garden, 11x14, acrylic on canvas

I painted this this afternoon as the sun was setting. I think I will change the background. I think a darker background will give it depth.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Oriental Poppies, acrylic on canvas, 16x20

These poppies opened just yesterday. I hadn't brought a large enough canvas so I had to wait till this morning to paint them. They proved to be the most popular painting of the ones I brought to the causeway today. I know it will find a good home soon.
Everything is awakening in the community garden. Every morning there are many new flowers opened which weren't there the day before. There are just so many things to paint...I am like a kid in the candy store. Imagine if I could just paint all day. I think I would turn out three a day

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Irises, avcrylic on canvas, 11x14

These irises are from the Michigan street community garden. They don't last long so I just had to paint them today. They are the ones from right beside the bird bath. The birds were rather disturbed and made lots of scolding sounds and wouldn't use the bath while I was there.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Joy's Garden, acrylic, 11x14

It was an overcast day this morning and the community garden was bustling with gardeners. Thursday is the day produce is harvested and donated to the community center.

Here's another portrait of those lovely parrot tulips. They are just so showy. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Spring Joy, acrylic, 16x20

I worked in the rain all day. I just couldn`t get the purple the way I wanted it. They look alright though..
I've really enjoyed doing my recent garden series. I didn't plan for them to turn out the way they did. I wanted a painterly grown up type of painting but they are whimsical like seed packet pictures from the olden days. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tulips 4, acrylic on canvas, 24x24

I did this one in two parts. I started it in the morning then    went to paint the blue bridge with the sketch club. Then I returned in the late afternoon to finish it. (While I painted the blue bridge my heart was with the tulips)
The petals are beginning to drop off the dark tulips. sigh

Sunday, May 22, 2011

More Tulips, acrylic, 16x20

Same tulip patch as yesterday. Maybe I'll paint them till they open and the petals fall off.
I really struggled with this painting. I was frustrated with the composition. I was so focused on the tulips that I forgot about the other things till the end. I like the results though.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

James Bay Tulips, acrylic on canvas, 16x20

Flowers are so beautiful they just seem to cry out "Paint me". This morning was drizzling rain and the colors were crisp. I forgot to bring blue but I had turquoise. So theres lots of turquoise in my painting. And I managed a nice warm blue by mixing it with purple. Well, I like it imperfections and all.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Camus Hill, 6x6 oil on panel

Went back to Cattle Point this morning. I painted the same scene without the artists.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Magnolias, oil, 8x10

Funny how you're not inspired but then you start painting and you become inspired. That's what happened this morning at Beacon Hill Park. I just love painting flowers!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Blue, oil on canvas, 8x10

I spent the morning painting at the Oak Bay Marina. There are so many boats there....overwhelming. But this little blue boat caught my eye. I renamed it.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Tulips, oil on canvas, 8x10

The tulips are up in Michigan Street Community Garden. I really wasn't feeling too inspired with the tulips but did them anyways. As soon as I got started I got into it. I used my license to squeeze the tulips together and I like the results. 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Camus Meadow, oil on canvas, 8x10

There was too much red attracting the eye. I like this better.

Camus Meadow, oil on canvas 8x10

I broke my rule and fiddled with the painting in my studio. I felt  there wasn't enough dominant color  so I  made blue the dominant color. 

Friday, May 13, 2011

Cattle Point Camus, oil on canvas 8x10

It was a lovely morning at Cattle Point. The camus is blooming everywhere. Last year it was so windy at Cattle Point that the wind caught my car door and broke it. Did a painting anyway.

Plum Trees, oil, 6x6in

I did this at an Alfresco paint out last week. It was a rainy day on a fruit farm. Very pretty in spite of the rain.