Sunday, January 30, 2011

Victoria Rainy Day Scenes, acrylic on canvas

Government Street, acrylic on canvas, 80x100cm
 I painted this pair of studio paintings for the LOOK Show at the Bay Center. I was inspired by the reflections bouncing around the wet street. I love Victoria and will start a series on the beautiful street scenes.
Broughton Street, acrylic on canvas, 24x30in

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Flower Shop

I've been wanting to paint this little shop for a couple of years. Frankly, I felt a little shy to stand on this busy corner an paint solo. Now that the ice is broken I will do it again. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Portraits of Me

Portrait by Shirley Styles
Portrait by Mike Leavy
Here are two portraits of me by two Victoria artists. Every Tuesday during the winter artists gather at Goward House in Victoria to paint portraits. The model gets to keep a painting. I sat twice in recent  months. Here are my favorites.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Victoria Beach, 8x10, oil on canvas

Sold-Sarnia Ontario

Recognize this beach? It's Holland Point looking towards Fonyo Beach. Just at the bottom of the stairs. Every passing dog came over to see if I had any lunch to share.
Another grey day. This is on a mid grey ground. Limited palette cad yellow, burnt sienna, and ultramarine blue, plus lead white and ivory black.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Dallas Road Scene, oil on panel, 6x6in

It was a very windy day and the only shelter I could find was this spot. The whitewashed wall was a good windbreak.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Michell's Farm oil on canvas, 8x10

It was reining this morning but the vista was nice out at Michell's farm. The fields were flooded and filled the grooves.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Blue Bridge, oil, 6x6in

I`ve been wanting to paint the Blue Bridge for some time. This morning was gray and spitting rain and I just didn`t feel inspired. Just the same I decided to try the blue bridge against all the gray.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Rainy Morning, oil on panel, 6x6in

This morning's effort is at Dallas Road near Menzies Street. It was raining but not too cold. I just love the rain with all the grays and reflections.
This painting is available on a an eBay auction.
Click here to check out the auction.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Dallas Road, plein air, oil on panel, 6x6in

The sky is the real character in many of my paintings. This morning it was ablaze on the horizon through a lacy silhouette of tree branches. This is Dallas Road near Menzies Street looking towards the rest area parking.
This painting is for sale on an eBay auction. Click here to check it out.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Round the Bend, Victoria Scene, oil on panel, 6x6

I did this on a burnt sienna ground. It is one of the Victoria scenes I've been meaning to paint for a while. I like the wall that is splotched with gray paint (to cover grafitti).

This painting is listed on an eBay go to this auction click here

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Ogden Beach, Sunny Walk, oil on panel, 6x6

Another cold but sunny morning by the sea. The long blue shadows brought this painting together. Do you Victorian's recognize the walk way.

This painting is available on an eBay auction.
Click Here to Bid

Saturday, January 1, 2011

First Morning, Oil 6x6

I did this this morning at Holland Point. Just as I was finishing a bunch of sail boats rounded the bend. I was gloriously sunny but around minus 4....brrrr.

To Bid on this Painting

1543 Untitled
