Friday, November 23, 2012

572 Autumn Forest, Mount Doug

It was back to Mount Doug today. A lovely day, raining lightly, not too cold.   The moss was such a bright green, the maple leaves orange red and burnt sienna, and the snow berries on their bare slim branches seemed to dance in the air. I felt enchanted today surrounded by all this beauty.

Emily Carr painter here as well. In 1942 She claimed to have had a vision that inspired her to paint at Mount Doug Park.  She said she felt the forest had something to tell her. This is where she painted her last works which were both mystical and enchanting.

Here's a photo of my setup in situ.


  1. Darlene,
    How do I bid on this one ?

    1. Terry, Thank you for your interest int this painting. Sorry, but it's not for sale yet.

  2. Hi Darlene,

    This is beautiful! Great use of colour and I like that you posted the photo, which shows how you made this your painting, inspired by nature.

    And thanks for the sock monkey socks. That was such a surprise, you must have had them with you just waiting to run into me!


    1. Ruth, Thank you for your input on this painting. Yes, I felt sooo inspired that day.

      Yes, I did have those sock monkey socks in my bag waiting to run into you. Everybody loves sock monkeys. Your Little Sprouts will love them!
