Monday, October 25, 2010

Brown Eyed Cutie, 6x6in, acrylic on panel

It was pouring rain this morning so I didn't go out to do a plein air in the James Bay Community Garden this morning. But I did pick this little brown eyed daisy (from out side the fence) yesterday. Didn't have a proper vase but I love wild flowers in jars.
Well, I was just dying to try my new Winsor and Newton Artist Acrylics. They claim no color shift from wet to dry. This is my finding: They don't have color shift but I find that even the opaques are more transparent than they should be. Even the cads and titanium white. Also, when I squeezed my brand new cad red a lot of pure acrylic polymer fluid came out so there was separation. This was a brand new tube of expensive paint so maybe isn't binding as good as it should.
In spite of these cons I will give the W&N a second chance because I have been so dissapointed with the color shift in my Kroma Acrylics. It is most noticeable in my landscapes. I paint a nice bright sunny day painting and then when the paint dried it looks like I was painting an overcast day because of the acrylic paint darkenning as it dries.

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